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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Netflix Recommendation: How I Met Your Mother

Here is my latest recommendation for Netflix Instant streaming:

   For the people who have not seen this show, you are truly missing out on one of the funniest shows on television.  It is actually coming up on its last season, so start a binge watching spree if you want to catch up.  The show has a great premise as the main character, Ted, retells the story to his kids of how he met their mother.  It is extremely funny, and Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) is easily one of my favorite television characters of all time.  The entire cast is great, and each character is likable. This was actually the first show that I started watching on the streaming service, and it was definitely worth it. If you need a new show on Netflix, then look no further.  Just watch How I Met Your Mother!

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