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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Clip of the Week #4: Best Display of Acting, Will Smith - The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air

This clip is with out a doubt one of the best displays of acting in this clip featuring Will Smith.  Check it out:

or go to this link:

Someone really needs to stop cutting all those onions in here!!!

Monday, September 2, 2013

List: Top Ten Favorite Horror Movies

The Best Horror Movies

I have watched a solid amount of horror movies.  Many of them have been bad (in some cases terrible), but some were extremely well done and an adrenaline rush to watch.

Here is my list of the top ten best horror/scary movies that I have seen:

10.  Insidious (2010)

This movie was very scary for the most part.  The beginning half was definitely the best part, and it becomes a little silly towards the end.  Still an awesome movie though.

9. Zombieland (2009)

This movie is more of a comedy than a horror movie.  It is extremely funny and has some great action sequences.  There is violence, but it is hard to take seriously with the humor mixed in.

8. Psycho (1960)

This movie is a classic.  Hitchcock crafted one of the best horror movies of all time.  This movie is a must see for everyone, even if you are not a fan of the horror genre.

7. Alien (1979)

This movie was extremely well done, and very original.  The monster in this movie is flat out terrifying and it includes some fantastic acting and some very tense moments.

6. The Thing (1982)

This film was a major surprise for me.  I was not expecting it to be this good.  During the entire movie, there is this sense of suspicion and distrust as each character attempts to figure who is human, and who is a monster.  I don't want to give too much away, but check this movie out.

5. The Exorcist (1973)

One of the earliest and scariest horror movies of all time.  This movie is a master piece.  I was terrified the entire time, and it contains some of the most memorable horror scenes in the genre's history.

4. The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Another comedy type horror movie.  Some people may disagree with me on this one, but I absolutely loved this movie.  It was incredibly original, and the plot twists compiled with the complete absurdity made the film an instant favorite for me.

3. The Shining (1980)

This movie easily contains some of the best acting in history. It is easily worth watching just to see the spectacular performance by Jack Nicholson.  Everyone should see this film. Period.

2. Aliens (1986)

One of the most exciting, and well crafted movies of all time.  This movie conquered the sci-fi and horror genre by improving and outdoing the first film.  The intense action mixed with one of my favorite horror monsters made this film one of my all time favorites.

1. The Conjuring (2013)

I know that this movie came out very recently, and many people will disagree with me for putting this as my number one, but this horror film was just spectacular.  The reason I am giving it the top spot is simply because it scared me the most.

Thanks for checking out the list.  I am always looking for horror movie suggestions so I am all ears. Tell me your favorite scary movies!

Clip of the Week #3: Dwight's Perfect Crime - The Office

  The Office is one of my all time favorite shows! Check out this clip where Dwight tells what his perfect crime would be:

or go to this link:

Check in next week for another clip!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Netflix Recommendation: How I Met Your Mother

Here is my latest recommendation for Netflix Instant streaming:

   For the people who have not seen this show, you are truly missing out on one of the funniest shows on television.  It is actually coming up on its last season, so start a binge watching spree if you want to catch up.  The show has a great premise as the main character, Ted, retells the story to his kids of how he met their mother.  It is extremely funny, and Barney Stinson (Neil Patrick Harris) is easily one of my favorite television characters of all time.  The entire cast is great, and each character is likable. This was actually the first show that I started watching on the streaming service, and it was definitely worth it. If you need a new show on Netflix, then look no further.  Just watch How I Met Your Mother!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Clip of the Week #2: Key and Peele - Weird Playlist

Check out this funny clip from the hilarious show Key and Peele! It is called Weird Playlist:

or go to this link:

Check in next week for another movie or tv show clip!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Must Watch Movie Trailers: The Counselor, Captain Phillips, and Insidious: Chapter 2

Here are some trailers worth watching for upcoming movies.

Check them out:

The Counselor

or go to this link:

Captain Phillips

or go to this link:

Insidious: Chapter 2

or go to this link:

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